Kingdom Of Noise – Japanese Noise Music Selection
1:27 hour relax
In questo post, la storia di Nabaztag è tratta da Wikipedia, con qualche nota del sottoscritto.
La parola Nabaztag (“նապաստակ” che in lingua armena significa coniglio), indica il coniglio wifi ideato da Rafi Haladjian e Olivier Mével e prodotto, nel 2005 dalla compagnia francese Violet.
Alto 23 centimetri, per un peso di 418 grammi, dispone di svariate abilità, tra le quali dare le previsioni del tempo, declamare le ore, segnalare eventuali messaggi di posta elettronica e illuminarsi per mezzo di LED colorati, muovendo le orecchie e pronunciando imprevedibili battute. Può inoltre riprodurre messaggi testuali ed MP3. Con il passare del tempo altri svariati servizi sono stati implementati. È inoltre scomparsa la distinzione tra servizi base e servizi su abbonamento, anch’essi divenuti gratuiti. Esistono anche dei servizi sviluppati dagli stessi utenti (musica, notizie, curiosità) denominati “Nabcast”.
L’oggetto, venduto a partire da giugno 2005, alla fine di ottobre 2006 aveva raggiunto i 35.000 esemplari nella sola Francia. A fine 2006 viene introdotto un modello più avanzato, il Nabaztag:tag che supporta lo streaming mp3 via internet, ha un microfono per ricevere comandi vocali e un lettore di RFID con tag personalizzati per ricevere comandi. Questo modello, inoltre, è dotato di tecnologia PULL, ossia può interrogare il server di propria iniziativa. A settembre 2007 sono presenti più di 180.000 Nabaztag in tutto il mondo.
Il 20 ottobre 2009 Violet, in difficoltà per una gestione dissennata, è acquistata dal noto software publisher Mindscape che immette sul mercato un modello ancora più avanzato chiamato Karotz con webcam e maggiori capacità di memoria. Ben presto, però, anche quest’ultimo entra in crisi. Il 29 luglio 2011 Mindscape comunica lo spegnimento dei server di gestione di Nabaztag creando in un solo colpo 180.000 orfani, ma rende pubblico il codice per la gestione dei “coniglietti” multimediali, rendendo possibile a diverse comunità utenti di creare dei nuovi server. Comunque, le varie comunità utente hanno privilegiato soluzioni alternative, basate sui progetti Opensource OpenJabNab, Nabizdead e OpenNag, più semplici da implementare dell’originale server (denominato “burrow”, con riferimento alle tane dei conigli selvatici) Violet/Mindscape ma privi del supporto per le vecchie unità Nabaztag di prima generazione. Le comunità utente sorte nell’immediata chiusura del server “ufficiale” supportano infatti i soli Nabaztag:tag.
In seguito Mindscape è acquisita da Aldebaran Robotics, azienda specializzata in robot giocattolo ed amatoriali, che vende ad esaurimento le scorte di Karotz senza sviluppare il prodotto, malgrado esso avesse incorporati e ben visibili evidenti agganci per accessori ed estensioni. Infine, con un annuncio scioccante del suo CEO comunica lo spegnimento dei server dei Karotz per il 18 febbraio 2015 segnando, così, la fine del progetto la cui esistenza resta affidata ai server amatoriali.
Dalla creazione di Nabaztag, Antoine Schmitt ne è il designer comportamentale e Jean-Jacques Birgé il designer sonoro. Insieme, hanno anche composto l’Opera Nabaz’mob per 100 conigli tra loro comunicanti, che ha vinto il Prix Ars Electronica Award of Distinction Digital Musics 2009 e di cui si può vedere un estratto in questo video.
Il video in questa pagina è un estratto più breve, ma l’audio è migliore.
Wow! Su You Tube c’è l’intero film (~ 1 ora) Halber Mensch (aka ½ Mensch, trad. half humans) di Sogo Ishii dedicato agli Einstürzende Neubauten.
Il film documenta la visita in Giappone della band tedesca e include estratti da alcuni concerti, scene girate mentre la band suona nelle rovine di una vecchia ferriera ed esecuzioni accompagnate da danzatori Butoh.
Venne girato nel 1985 e uscì nel 1986 su VHS per essere poi ristampato su DVD solo nel 2005. Pur essendo su DVD la qualità non è il massimo a causa del materiale di partenza in VHS e proprio per questo la band ne ha realizzato una versione rimasterizzata.
Il titolo è quello dell’album degli Einstürzende Neubauten pubblicato lo stesso anno della tournée giapponese. La formazione è:
Avevo già parlato di questo film in un post del 2007, ma allora ne avevo trovato solo un breve estratto.
Un documentario di un’ora, di BBC Four, su uno dei miei musicisti preferiti (fra quelli non accademici). Con dentro anche molta musica live.
Un altro lavoro di ::vtol::
The orchestra consists of 12 robotic manipulators of various designs, each of which is equipped with a sound-transmitting speaker. The manipulators, combined together, form a single multi-channel electronic sound orchestra. Due to constant displacement speakers in space, changing direction of the sound and the algorithms for generating compositions, the orchestra creates a dynamic soundscape. In order to interact with the orchestra, controller Leap Motion is used, that allows to control robots and sound by simple hands gestures in the air – similarly to conducting an orchestra.
The project is based on the idea of a combination of modern music, computer, interactive and robotic concepts and approaches for the creation of works of art. In many ways, it is inspired by well-known works that were presented in the recent past, such as Pendulum Choir (2011) and Mendelssohn Effektorium (2013). However, Nayral Ro is different from these projects in many ways. Its algorithmic system, in which sound and musical composition are being produced, is real time, and the acoustic environment also changes simultaneously with the process of creating the musical piece. Also, the whole process is completely subordinated by the “conductor”, so this a role is similar to such of a composer, performer and operator at the same time.
Creation of more sophisticated versions, more subtly revealing the potential of Leap Motion for tuning to the movement and changes in sound, is being planned for the future development.
Questa splendida e inusuale macchina sonora è stata progettata e costruita dal media-artist russo Dmitry Morozov (aka ::vtol::).
The Metaphase Sound Machine is a kind of homage to the ideas of the American physicist Nick Herbert who in the 1970s has created both Metaphase Typewriter and Quantum Metaphone (a speech synthesizer). These were some of the first attempts to put the phenomenon of quantum entanglement in practice and one of the first steps towards the creation of a quantum computer. The experimental devices, however, had not confirmed theoretical research, and Herbert’s obsession with metaphysics resulted in the publication of several of his works on the metaphysical in quantum physics, that have led to a serious loss of interest to the ideas of quantum communication. One day, in a course of his experiments, Herbert has hacked into an university computer trying to establish a contact with the spirit of illusionist Harry Houdini at the day of the centenary of his birth.
In his device Herbert in order to achieve a quantum entangled state used as a source radioactive thallium, which was controlled by the Geiger radiation counter. The time interval between pulses was chosen as conversion code. Several psychics had participated in the experiments. They tried to influence the endless stream of random anagrams arising from a typewriter or cause “the ghost voice” to be heard out of metaphone. Scientists also have conducted sessions to bring about the “spirit” of a colleague who had recently died, and who knew about this typewriter. In 1985 Herbert wrote a book about metaphysical in physics. In general, his invention and articles quite severely compromised the ideas of quantum communication in the eyes of potential researchers and by the end of the XX century no any substantial progress in this direction was observed.
The Metaphase Sound Machine is an object with 6 rotating disks. Each of the discs is equipped with acoustic sound source (a speaker) and a microphone. Each of the microphones is connected via computer and the rotary axis to the speakers on the disks. Also in the center of installation a Geiger-Mueller counter is set, that detects ionizing radiation in the surrounding area. The intervals between these particles influence rotation velocity of each of the disks. Essentially the object is an audio- and kinetic installation in which a sound is synthesized based on feedbacks, produced by microphones and speakers on rotating discs. Feedback whistles are used as triggers for more complex sound synthesis. Additional harmonic signal processing, as well as the volatility of the dynamic system, lead to the endless variations of sound. The form of the object refers to the generally accepted symbolic notation of quantum entanglement as a biphoton – crossing discs of the orbits.
Dmitry Morozov
Tempo Reale Festival 2012
RUMORE ROSA Il paesaggio delle voci
Salvatore Miele, coordinamento e live electronics
Francesco Casciaro, oggetti sensibili e live electronics
Daniela Cattivelli, campionatore e live electronics
Andrea Gozzi, chitarra elettrica e live electronics
Damiano Meaccii, regia del suono
Cornelius Cardew
Treatise, per ensemble elettroacustico
(prima esecuzione a Firenze)
Edgar Froese è morto a Vienna il 20 Gennaio, ma l’annuncio è stato dato solo il 23.
Unico membro stabile dei Tangerine Dream e a tratti anche unico membro tout court, nel senso che numerose pubblicazioni uscite a nome Tangerine Dream sono in realtà lavori solisti di Froese stesso, è stato l’ispiratore delle sonorità più sperimentali del gruppo, quelle dei primi album legati alla cosiddetta Kosmische Musik degli anni ’70, ispirata da un lato alla psichedelia e dall’altro alla musica minimale e alle composizioni strumentali del Ligeti degli anni ’60 da cui i primi Tangerine Dream pescavano a piene mani.
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Un altro brano corale di Murray Schafer con una bella partitura grafica.
Epitaph for Moonlight (1968), for youth choir with optional bells.
Roanoke College Choir, Jeffrey Sandborg director.
It is a free composition in which the singers must improvise from given indications of pitch, intensity and duration. To accompany the voices there is a selection of instruments as desired: glockenspiels, metallophones, vibraphones, triangles, bells, cymbals. The vibrations from these instruments, when used carefully, produced luminous effects that are evocative of moonlight reflecting on water. The score is written graphically and so does not require a knowledge of conventional musical notation.
R. Murray Schafer – Snowforms (1982) – for treble choir
The text consists of inuit words for various kinds of snow : apingaut , first snowfall; mauyk, soft snow; akelrorak , drifting snow ; pokaktok , snow like salt.
Notes from the composer:
In 1971 I flew the polar route from Europe to Vancouver over Greenland. Clear weather provided an excellent opportunity to study the forms of that spectacular and terrifying geography. Immediately, I had an idea for a symphonic work in which sustained bulks of sound would be fractured by occasional splinters of colour. That experience remains clear in memory. It suggested the orchestral textures of “North/White” and it returns now to shape “Snowforms”, yet very differently, for my memory of the vast foldings of Arctic snow has been modified by the experience of passing winters in Ontario. Often on a winter day I have broken off from other work to study the snow from my farmhouse window, and it is the memory of these forms which has suggested most of the continuous horizon of “Snowforms “.
Sometimes I have given children ‘sight-singing’ exercises in which they are asked to ‘sing’ drawings or the shapes of the distant horizon. Snowforms began as a series of sketches of snowdrifts, seen out the window of my Monteagle Valley farmhouse. I took these sketches and traced a pentagram over them. The notes of the pieced emerged wherever the lines of the sketch and the stave crossed. Of course I modified the drawings as necessary since the work is primarily a piece of music and only secondarily a set of sketches. I printed the work so that the shapes of the snow were in white over a pale blue background.
The entire piece is soft, and I wanted the voices to slide from note to note just like falling or drifting snow. Snowforms is related to Epitaph for Moonlight, Miniwanka and Sun ; they are all descriptions of nature. Later I was to add Fire, A Garden of Bells and Once on a Windy Night as further celebrations of natural phenomena. As the urban populations of the world grow, the forces and charms of nature are more distanced from increasing numbers of people. But I do not write such works out of nostalgia; they are a very real part of my life. Snowforms was actually preceded by a much more complex work of the same name which was performed once by the Vancouver Chamber Choir, but I am glad I withdrew it, substituting this simpler and purer expression of one of nature’s most beautiful elements.
Notes from co-conductors :
This 20 th century monument of treble choral literature was written in 1982 by the imaginative, highly respected, internationally praised composer, R. Murray Schafer. Watching from his farmhouse window in Ontario , Schafer was intrigued by the various shapes, forms, and ever-changing, soft foldings of snow. From these observations came the inspiration to write Snowforms. Using graphic notation, he asks singers to sing ‘shapes’ or ‘drawings’ which are representations of snow forms on the distant horizon. Schafer’s graphic notation is augmented by suggested pitches and the voices are asked to ‘glide’ from one pitch to another in a continuous portamento. A time log is written in the score to suggest durations but Schafer is quite specific that conductors should not feel ‘enslaved’ by the timed suggestions. Although it was written for two part treble chorus, there are a few times within the score when each of the two parts split into four independent lines. Except for the occasional interjection of words which mean various types of ‘snow’ in the Inuit language the entire piece is hummed thereby giving a sense of smoothness and peaceful quietness or hush. Challenges for the conductor are to find gestures that suggest and mirror the contours that are found within the score. Challenges for the singers are to believe the piece will ‘work’ and to trust the instincts and imagination of not only the composer and conductor but also of themselves. Snowforms is a remarkable work that fascinates listeners but more importantly encourages collaboration and exchange of ideas between conductors and singers. It encourages performers to create music beyond the bounds of a traditional score with very satisfying results. – DL