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- Music (781)
.at/on 8bit 900piesek ::vtol:: acousmatic acoustics aes+f aesthetics africa alva_noto ambient analysis anderson animation apple archive artemiev ashley audio-video aurora australia a_schubert babbitt bach bang_on_a_can barocco bayle beatles berg berio berlin biasioni biology books boulez bowie braxton brown burroughs cage can cardew cardew_ensemble carrington carter cecil_taylor celebration cell_phone century_of_aeroplanes chernobyl china chion chronology clementi climate cluster clyne cold_war composing computer_music computer_programming conspiracy control copyright cowell coxhill craque crisis crumb cunningham curiosity czernowin database daugherty decline donatoni dowland drone drum_machine dubuffet duchamp dufourt dylan dylan_thomas d_incise e.a.r. earthquake ecology einstürzende_neubauten eno ethnomusicology events exomusicology fashion faune fauxharmonic feedback feldman ferneyhough ferrari field_recording finland food foss freeman fure futurism gabriel game gibson glass globalization graziani greece grisey gubaidulina guitar haas harrington harvey henry henry_cow herndon hewitt horror hosokawa ig_nobel ikeda improvisation incipit individuals industrial info-art instruments interface ishii italy ives jack_bruce jansen japan kagel kaiser kandinskij kreidler kurokawa lachenmann language laptop_music last_supper latin_america law layton la_monte_young legends lego lely lezrod ligeti loudness machover maderna mahnkopf mailer major malec manoury map mathematics max/msp maxwell_davies mcnabb medicine messiaen microtonality middle-east miles_davis minimal Miri_Kat monk morphing mosconi mossenmark motion mozart mp3 mumma murail musicology music_therapy nancarrow nature netlabel noise nono nordcorea obama opera ornithology osoroshisa overtone_singing paris parmegiani parmerud partch password penderecki perception philosophy physics pink_floyd places poetry pop-art pousseur privacy processing processing protofuse quotes radio radiohead radulescu ranking ravel recording reed reich reichel remix residents retrocomputing reverberation rihm riley ringtones rip risset robot roden romitelli roux russia russolo rzewski saariaho sakamoto salem sampling satie scelsi schafer schnittke schoenberg sciarrino science_fiction score scotland security sensors serialism sharafyan sharp shostakovich show sisman smalley soft_machine sonification soundscape sound_designer sound_sculpture southcorea space spam spectral_music steampunk stockhausen stravinsky stretching stroppa subotnick suguru_goto supercollider supersilent sweeney synth takemitsu tallis tangerine_dream tarot taz theremin tibet toop truax tudor TV ucraine ufo urbanscreen usa v4w.enko varèse vatican vegetable_orchestra verona videogame vinuesa virus vivaldi waits war webern webzine wuorinen wyatt wynne xenakis yoshihide zappa zavoloka zorn
- Winter Leaves 2025-01-06
- How to Record Yourselves 2018-01-20
- 10 regole per studenti e insegnanti da John Cage 2017-12-30
- Libri dal Guggenheim Museum 2017-12-19
- Miri Kat 2017-12-09
- Cloud Sequencer 2017-12-03
- George Crumb: Zeitgeist, tableaux vivants for two amplified pianos 2017-11-27
- Avatar 2017-11-25
- Chronology of Audio Technology and Electroacoustic Music 2017-11-22
- Tonic 2017-11-15